Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Newsletter July 2007

Go Robbie GO!
In the Tour de France a win is a win; even if it is by a matter of millimeters. A win is also the pinnacle of pride and honour for the cyclist, his team and his country. So when Robbie Hunter took the 182km 11th stage between Marseilles and Montpellier for the South African team Barloworld, he made big-time history. The first South African, the first cyclist from Africa to win a stage in this very gruelling race. Well done! We are so proud!

This wonderful news come at a time when the South Coast is reeling from a very dark and tragic two weeks on our roads. So many accidents, so many deaths, so many broken bodies. Let us hope that this is not the beginning of a trend and that it was just a very stark reminder of the importance of road safety.
May this also serve as a urgent reminder and wake-up call to the authorities to attend to the absolutely horrendous condition of our roads. I am sure that a substantial percentage of all accidents are caused by the enormous potholes and subsequent loose gravel found all over town. While on the subject, let me openly beg of the roads department to stop filling these holes with loose gravel; it takes less than a day for the traffic to remove the gravel, leaving the hole as it was, but in the process scattering thousands of little pebbles all over the road, making it a disaster area just waiting for a victim on a motorbike or bicycle or even a motor vehicle to come around the corner and slide into oblivion.
Instead of making huge speed-bumps, use some of that labour and material to fill the potholes please! (I fully support the bumps - I’m just trying to make a point.)

Now that I’ve worked myself up a shade or two, I can just as well post some rhetorical questions right here and right now:
Having just read the news of the poor elderly couple at Swartberg that were stabbed and beaten to death on Friday, I compared the modus operandi with other similar recent cases. In fact, one can probably do this with hundreds if not thousands of cases of brutal attacks, murders, robberies and the like. Is this a unique Africa genetic trend to kill for a cell phone? Is it a previously unheard of tradition to slash and slain and rape to obtain a couple of rand? Or is it a very well orchestrated manouevre born in the dark abyss of political boardrooms and bred by hate-driven hidden agendas?
Am I even suppose to think along these lines, let alone write it down in a public letter? So many questions - it confuses me. In days gone by there were tremendous witch-hunts to discover the so called ‘third-force’ behind some alleged incidents of the past.
Maybe it was there, maybe not.
Is there another one at work today?
Where are we heading? Will the powers not take any wisdom away from the tragedy of a whole missing generation north of our borders?
I want no answers. I know what I want to believe. Please pray that I am wrong.

Health News: Probiotics;
With the warmer weather (hopefully) on it’s way, and the associated higher incidence of gastric problems, now is perhaps a good time to talk about Probiotics. Although it is a word that is thrown around a lot these days, it is more than just hype and fashion. It has a tremendous positive effect on general health.

So-called good bacteria in the intestines, which may help people with inflammatory bowel disease, allergies and some forms of cancer, work even when they're inactive.
Called probiotics, they are bacterial organisms that contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. Recent studies have proven the health benefit of these bacteria.
The effectiveness of probiotics has been attributed to their live, metabolic activity. But active probiotics are used in only a small number of food products, such as yoghurt. Active probiotics are unsuitable for most food products because they induce fermentation, which changes the taste, texture and freshness of food on an hourly basis.

Potential use of inactivated probiotics:
Probiotics contain immune system-stimulating DNA that makes them just as effective when they're inactive. The finding of various studies offer the potential to use inactivated probiotics in a variety of food products.
The study also outlines a method to determine and select which probiotic bacteria provide the most benefit for people with inflammatory bowel disease.
Elderly people should take probiotic supplements - including drinks, capsules or yoghurt - to protect themselves against bowel conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or previously called ‘Spastic Colon’. Just be aware that not all commercially available yoghurt contains probiotics. Read the labels!
People over age 60 have about 1 000-fold less "friendly" bacteria and more disease-causing bacteria in their guts when compared with younger adults.

Boosts friendly bacteria
Probiotic products, which contain live strains of bacteria, can help boost the amount of friendly bacteria in the guts of older people and help protect them against acute conditions like traveller's diarrhoea, antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, seasonal gastro-enteritis as well as chronic bowel diseases.
While probiotic products are useful for healthy adults - for example, helping to fight bacteria that cause food poisoning - they are even more beneficial for older people.

The application in paediatric medicine is only now beginning to surface and we have seen, in our own pharmacy, the dramatic effect that these products bring about when given to young children, even small babies. Diarrhoea, food allergies, indigestion, colic, mal-absorpsion, bloated tummies, and many more can be treated without side-effect producing conventional medication, which sometimes leave these kids dazed and confused.

Come and speak to us about this wonderful gift from nature.

Vir die MANNE (maar die vrouens moet asseblief ook hierdie lees):

DIE meeste mans sal veel eerder 20 km in die reën hardloop, vyf kinderpartytjies op 'n streep bywoon, inskryf vir ‘n kursus in Russiese Prosa, as om hulle aan te meld vir 'n dikderm- of prostaatondersoek. 'n Kinderpartytjie kan dalk 'n man sy vrou se guns laat wen, maar 'n prostaatondersoek kan verseker sy lewe red.

Hoofoorsake van dood:
Volgens die Mediese Navorsingsraad (MNR), was die tien hoofoorsake van sterftes in die jaar 2000:
1. MIV/vigs: 24,6%
2. Geweld: 10%
3. Tuberkulose: 8,1%
4. Hartsiektes: 7,8%
5. Beroerte: 5,9%
6. Padongelukke: 4,4%
7. Longinfeksies: 3,5%
8. Chroniese lugwegobstruksie: 3,4%
9. Longkanker: 2,1%
10. Suikersiekte: 2,1%

Van dié sterftes kan deur klein lewenstylaanpassings soos veiliger seks (MIV/Vigs), rookstaking (longkanker en emfiseem), voldoende behandeling van asma (emfiseem), en minder alkohol gebruik en groter paraatheid en bewustheid (geweld en padongelukke), voorkom word.
Daar is egter min twyfel dat die uitwerking van baie siektes wat mans se lewe bedreig, deur vroeë siftingstoetse verklein kan word. In baie gevalle kan sterftes voorkom word deur vroeë opsporing en behandeling, en in ander gevalle kan siftingstoetse tot doeltreffender behandeling en 'n hoër lewensgehalte lei.

Navorsing toon die volgende toetse kan 'n groot verskil maak.
Bloeddruk: Al om die ander jaar as jy in jou twintiger- of dertigerjare is, en jaarliks van jou veertigerjare af.
Cholesterol. (bloedmonster) Al om die ander jaar as jy in jou twintiger- en dertigerjare is en 'n familiegeskiedenis van hartsiektes het, en jaarliks van jou veertigerjare af.
Tipe 2 diabetes (suikersiekte) (bloedmonster). Alle mense met 'n verhoogde risiko behoort elke drie jaar vir suikersiekte getoets te word. Mense met 'n verhoogde risiko is diegene met 'n familiegeskiedenis van diabetes, alle volwassenes en kinders wat oorgewig is, en almal met hoë bloedcholesterolvlakke of hoë bloeddruk.
Prostaat. (bloedmonster vir 'n PSA-telling en 'n rektum-ondersoek). Alle mans in hul veertigerjare met 'n familiegeskiedenis van prostaat- of borskanker behoort jaarliks 'n ondersoek te ondergaan. Alle mans van 50 jaar en ouer behoort een keer per jaar 'n ondersoek te ondergaan. Een uit elke agt mans ouer as 50 jaar sal prostaatkanker ontwikkel.
Dikdermondersoek. ('n Kolonoskopie - 'n inwendige ondersoek). Elke vyf jaar as jy in jou twintiger- of dertigerjare is en 'n familiegeskiedenis van dikdermkanker het. Elke drie tot vyf jaar as jy in jou veertigerjare is en 'n familiegeskiedenis van dikdermkanker het; andersins elke vyf jaar. Jaarliks as jy 50 of ouer is.
Velondersoek. (Deur 'n dermatoloog gedoen.) Elke jaar vir mans bo 40. Mans wat gereeld gholf of krieket speel of gespeel het, boere, vissermanne en ander buitelug mans het 'n groter risiko om velkanker op te doen. Ook mans met donkerder velle kan velkanker opdoen.
Testes-selfondersoek. Maandeliks, veral as jy onafgedaalde testes het, as jy of jou broer of pa al 'n testesgewas gehad het, of as jy onvrugbaarheidsprobleme ondervind of ondervind het.
So voor jy die volgende braai reel, die komende manne-tee beplan, nog ‘n kinderpartytjie bywoon, jou motorhuis (weer) regpak, doen die sinvolle en regte ding; gaan maak ‘n afspraak met jou dokter en kry gemoedsrus.
Die toetse wat ons self kan uitvoer by die apteek is Bloeddruk, Diabetes, Cholesterol, PSA.
Kontak ons gerus vir meer inligting.
(Vir die vrouens wat tot hier nog bly lees het, neem aksie. Laat jou man getoets word voor sy volgende kar paaiement. So kan jy dus seker maak dat hy vir nog baie lank die paaiement sal kan betaal).

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