Thursday, October 11, 2007

Newsletter September 2007

Just another day in paradise....Phil Collins wrote this song many years ago and tonight the meaning is lost to me but the title explains my feelings... I have my son Christiaan home for the week, my parents arriving tomorrow, my sister and my daughter Lize and soon-to-be son in law Dirk arriving in 3 days for the weekend. Plus most of my friends are here or arriving soon. Why? Little party for little birthday.
‘Nough said.

Oh yes, my wife is still here as well. (She made me say this).

Let’s get back to the pothole issue (been dragging on in this newsletter for two months):
I am so proud to announce that the not-so-subtle hints directed at the local authorities finally paid off. Yes. They finally addressed the pothole issue with purpose. They took one of the potholes in Mitchell street and relocated it to Douglas street!

I am now the proud owner of my own pothole. They stole it from somebody else and installed it right in front of my driveway. I am so sorry for the personal loss someone in Mitchell drive suffered because of this but I am proud to announce (and to comfort them) that this, my own new pothole, is alive and well, living in Douglas road (acknowledgement to Jacques Brell).
In fact, it is so alive, it is growing at an almost exponential rate! Every morning it is just so much bigger. It multiplies overnight... I am sure Steven Spielberg can make something out of this...but thank you, Mr Local Authority, I will nurture it and see that it grows to (your) standard proportions. If, one day soon, I do not arrive for work, let it be known that I went into the hole and never resurfaced...

Quote of the week: Mr I.M. Patient, waiting patiently for his repeat prescription was prompted about the recent slip of our (beloved) national cricket team in the 20twenty Wcup: "The biggest tragedy is that they didn’t play abroad....then we could have made the buggers swim home". In retrospect, what a tournament! Such class! The old Leather-on-Willow will never be the same.
Let me in the same breath state that (so far) our rugby is outplaying my (and many other’s) hopes. Such national confidence!?
Why do we even doubt them? Sisssssss! Let us all unite and wish them well. Go John! (And Go Bobby! {for Dr Skinstad’s sake})

So now we have covered the (spooky) local phenomenon of migrating potholes, the (sorry) state of our cricket, the (brave) state of our rugby, the ( this space .....) coming health week..(in fact, see bottom part of page 2 for details)..

Did we do something that you thought might be worth discussing? Please phone 0393150040, email or jut stop me on the road cycling......
As they say, Spring has sprung and we are on our way to a lovely summer with long days and lots of opportunities to panelbeat our winter-softened bodies. In line with our coming health week in October, let us look at exercise.

Exercise away your blues
Regular exercise may work as well as medication in improving symptoms of major depression, researchers have found.
In a study of 202 depressed adults, investigators found that those who went through group-based exercise therapy did as well as those treated with an antidepressant drug. A third group that performed home-based exercise also improved, though to a lesser degree.
Importantly, the researchers found, all three groups did better than a fourth group given a placebo -- an inactive pill identical to the antidepressant.
Doctors may not start widely prescribing exercise as a depression treatment just yet. But for patients who are motivated to try exercise, it could be a reasonable option, the study authors say.
By the end of the study, it was found that 47 percent of patients on the antidepressant no longer met the criteria for major depression. The same was true of 45 percent of those in the supervised exercise group. In the home-based exercise group, 40 percent had their symptoms go into remission. That compared with 31 percent of the placebo group.
How it may work
There are several theories on why exercise might improve depression. For example, physical activity seems to affect some key nervous system chemicals -- norepinephrine and serotonin -- that are targets of antidepressant drugs, as well as brain neurotrophins, which help protect nerve cells from injury and transmit signals in brain regions related to mood.
Exercise may also boost people's feelings of self-efficacy and promote positive thinking. Some experts speculate that group exercise, with its social aspect, may have added benefits.
Though the home exercise group in this study did better than the placebo group, it's not clear whether it's as good as supervised classes. Home exercise may be more convenient, but patients possibly do not push themselves as hard on their own.
So get off that couch, switch off the TV, put away the stress-ball and get ready to join some exercise program. It will, as a side effect, trim the body into a mean shape and last but not least, it might just save you from another lifestyle scourge, namely Metabolic Syndrome.

This is something that we want to address in all seriousness next month during our "State of your Health" week.
During this period (October 1-5) we will do the following to bolster awareness of this syndrome:
Full Lipogram (Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides)
Blood sugar
Blood pressure
Cardiac Risk Profile
BMI (Body mass index)
Waist circumference (waist to hip ratio)
Results while you wait
Free information pack on conditions featured namely Hypertension, Obesity, Cholesterol, Insulin resistance, Diabetes II, Lack of exercise.
We will supply information on diets, precautions and all the do’s and don’t’s.
Only R150.
But please phone for an appointment. We are getting full already so do not delay. Your may not be as healthy as you think.

Ek het aanvanklik gedink dat ‘n artikel oor aanvullings vir kinders nie goed ontvang sal word nie omrede die demografiese verspreiding wat betref ouderdom in my teiken area, maar toe besef ek dat elke persoon wat hierdie lees of self klein kindertjies het of, bevoorreg is om ‘n oupa of ouma te wees. So neem kennis en neem aksie.
Volgens die kenners het kinders deesdae redelike ernstige gebrek aan baie van die belangrike voedingstowwe soos vitamiene en minerale.

Vandag is dit bykans onmoontlik om 100% van die voedingstowwe te verkry uit die kos wat ons eet. Faktore soos ons besige skedules wat lei tot die eet van kits kosse, die manier van kos voorbereiding wat weereens baie keer gebasseer is op spoed en nie soseer kwaliteit nie, vinnige rypmakings-prosesse op plase, hormone wat toegevoeg word, voedsel bestraling om raklewe te verleng, genetiese manipulasie, preserveermiddels wat bygevoeg word, en ook begrotings kwessies wat ons somtyds laat gryp na die goedkoper opsies instede van die beter voedings-opsies, alles het tot gevolg dat die aanbevole daaglikse inname van meeste van die belangrikste voedingstowwe nie bereik word nie.

By kinders in die groei-fase van hulle lewe is ‘n gebrek aan enige van die voedingstowwe baie ernstiger as by volwassenes. Ons as groot mense kan dieet tekorte gou aanspreek en normaliseer, maar kindertjies groei baie keer op met ernstige tekortkominge in hulle dieet en dit wys eers dalk eendag as hulle self groot is, maar dan, helaas, is dit te laat om te herstel. Die kind het met die probleem opgegroei en die tekort het dan deel geword van sy lewe.
Ons moet dit nou aanspreek en seker maak dat hulle die regte stowwe, in die regte verhoudings, in die regte formaat, inkry.

Studies het gewys dat een derde van kinders ‘n tekort het aan yster, ‘n half het ‘n tekort aan sink, en soveel as negentig persent kry te min magnesium in. Meer as die helfte het ook hopeloos te min vitamien C in hul daaglikse inname en soveel as dertig persent het erge tekorte aan vitamien B-6.

Die maatskappy Bioharmony het in assosiasie met Patrick Holford getree en bring nou internasionale voedings deskundigheid na Suid Afrika. Dit verseker die hoogste standaarde van veiligheid, effektiwiteit en kwaliteit. Patrick se navorsing het gelei tot spesifieke formules wat die bou-stene is van goeie gesondheid en balans en welsyn.
Die maatskappy bemark ‘n produk wat hulle noem Optimum Nutrition for Smart Kids. Die naam behoort eintlik te wees Optimum Nutrition for Kids by Smart Parents! Hierdie is die naaste aan die volkome voedings aanvulling wat daar te verkry is.
Hierdie middel bevat 12 vitamiene en 10 minerale in bio-beskikbare vorm, dit is nutrisioneel geskik vir kinders 1 jaar en ouer.
Dit is vry van suiker, laktose, koring en glutien.
Dit word versoet met xylitol (geen aspartame of sakkarien)
Beskikbaar in natuurlike vrugte geure.
Ook beskikbaar in die reeks is Get up and Go for Smart Kids. Ek kan nie genoeg onderstreep dat kinders regmatig moet kan aanspraak maak op die regte voeding nie. Ons sit alreeds met die sogenaamde "passiewe generasie" as gevolg van TV, rekenaars, allerlei elektroniese goeters wat kinders weghou van gesonde, aktiewe, speel-speel grootword. Ons skep onaktiewe, oorgewig, ongesonde, fast-food kinders. Gee hulle ‘n kans.

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