Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Newsletter May 2007

I must admit, the reaction to the new format newsletter has been a bit of a mixed bag. Most people welcomed the change. The reaction to the offer for a free website though, was a total non-event.
I thought offering something for free would get some sort of reaction, but it seems that people are maybe a bit suspect of freebies or maybe I overestimated the readers’ need to have their own website. Even for free.
Oh well, I tried. If anybody still maybe wants to see the website in action, come and see me. It is a lot of fun.
So the Super 14 was won by the Sharks in 80 minutes of spectacular rugby.
The other guys won it back in 2 minutes of spectacular tactical robbery. That is all I’m going to say about that.
While on the subject of spectacular rugby, I believe Her Majesty, the Queen has announced that the last Saturday in May will in future be a British National day of Mourning.
Well done boys. You almost made up for the Twikenham Humiliation

So wat gebeur op die Suidkus behalwe rugby, nog rugby en die een en ander koue frontjie wat ons laat gryp na truie en daardie tweede kortbroek?
Vertel my. Ek dink ons grootste problem op die Suidkus (seker maar enige plekkie onder Thabo se son) is die absolute verval van die basiese dinge wat mens elke dag mee saam leef. Dinge soos kragonderbrekings, reuse gate in ons paaie, onbekostigbare brandstof om ons onbekostigbare voertuie se onbekostigbare bande te verwoes op die onherstelbare plaaslike dorps-roetes op pad om onbekostigbare kruideniersware aan te koop om die onversadigbare honger mee te stil. Wow! Daar is te veel on-woorde in daardie paragraaf. Dis onvergeeflik. Dis egter ook onmoontlik om die verval te ignoreer.
Wat doen ons? Ons aanvaar elke nuwe wet en elke nuwe verval en elke nuwe verskoning en elke nuwe afbreek van ons waardes met onverstaanbare gemak.
As ‘n bokser genoeg houe geabsorbeer het, het hy twee keuses; Val of Veg. Dit is in elk geval ‘n ingebore en geskape liggaamlike funksie; Adrenalien, afgeskei deur die by-nier, maak ons gereed vir die sogenaamde “Veg of Vlug” reaksie. (Dis die ‘hol-kol’ op jou maag as jy jou gwar afskrik.) Dalk is dit nou tyd vir liters Adrenalien in ons dorp, land en streek. Kies asseblief tog net reg tussen die twee reaksies!

Ok. Back from the parade ground;
I must say, I have always been a sucker for gadgets, hi-tech goodies, and new stuff. So tonight, for the first time, I am sitting, writing this, next to my pool (yes I know it is cold and I am dressed accordingly), it is quiet and the night-life of insects and little froggies and crickets are slowly waking up (in between the sounds of cars hitting the potholes in Bank street). Yes, I have gone mobile. Laptop. Now you will never be rid of me. I can now sit and write on the top tier of King’s Park if I want to, at the foot of Cleft Peak in the Drakensberg, on the launching beach at Paternoster on the West Coast, in New York (I wish). Anywhere! Whoopee!

Before we get to the health section, may I please take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to everybody reading this newsletter. You are either a account customer, a cash customer, a visitor to the coast, a visitor to one of my websites, a subscriber to my mailing list, or just a casual shopper who took the challenge to read this far. Either way, you have somehow influenced my life and my wish is that I can somehow have some sort of positive effect on yours.
Keeping you healthy
Let us look at a couple of interesting news items from the world of Health and Beauty.

Coffee may fight gout

High uric acid levels in the blood are a precursor of gout, the most common inflammatory arthritis in adult men. It is believed that coffee and tea consumption may affect uric acid levels but only one study has been conducted to date.

A new large-scale study published in the June 2007 issue of Arthritis Care & Research examined the relationship between coffee, tea, caffeine intake, and uric acid levels and found that coffee consumption is associated with lower uric acid levels but that this appears to be due to components other than caffeine.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Because of this widespread consumption, its potential effects have important implications for public and individual health.

Coffee shuns uric acid
The results suggested that levels of uric acid in the blood significantly decreased with increasing coffee intake, but not with tea intake. In addition, there was no association between total caffeine intake from beverages and uric acid levels. These results were similar to those found in the only previous study on the topic, which was conducted in Japan. Interestingly, there was an association between decaffeinated coffee consumption and uric acid levels. "
These findings suggest that components of coffee other than caffeine contribute to the observed inverse association between coffee intake and uric acid levels. A recent study found that coffee was associated with lower C peptide levels (a marker of insulin levels). The researchers in the current study suggest that because there is a strong relationship between insulin resistance and elevated uric acid levels, the decreased insulin levels associated with coffee consumption may lead to lower uric acid levels.
Coffee is also a major source of chlorogenic acid, a strong antioxidant, which may improve insulin sensitivity. Chlorogenic acid also helps inhibit glucose absorption in the intestine. The researchers note further that their results could be due to an effect of non-caffeine components found in coffee, which would also explain why coffee affected uric acid levels but tea did not.
Clues to ringing in the ears:

The ringing or buzzing in the ears known as Tinnitus varies among patients according to the condition's clinical characteristics. People with tinnitus have ringing, buzzing or whistling sounds in one or both ears. The condition, which can be due to a medical disease or unknown causes, can be constant or intermittent, chronic or acute.
According to the researchers, more than 8 percent of patients rated their condition as grade I (weak degree of tinnitus loudness), close to 60 percent as grade II (medium degree of loudness), and just over 32 percent as grade III (strong degree of loudness).
In terms of annoyance with tinnitus, about 39 percent said they were mildly distressed, nearly 24 percent said they severely distressed, and about 13 percent were most severely distressed.

Loudness tied to annoyanceMost of the people with grade I conditions reported mild tinnitus distress, those with grade II were split, and about two-thirds of people with grade III conditions had severe or very severe distress. The findings indicated a moderate correlation between tinnitus loudness and annoyance, the researchers said.

Green tea may soothe bladder inflammatory conditions.
Green tea may help protect against bladder inflammation, a new study suggests. It was discovered that Catechins found in green tea protected both normal and cancerous bladder cells from inflammation. Although further studies are needed, the results indicate herbal supplements from green tea could be a treatment option for various bladder conditions that are caused by injury or inflammation. In a laboratory study normal and cancerous bladder cells were exposed to two major catechin components of green tea - and then exposed the cells to hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide normally damages or kills cells, but the two major catechin component offered significant protection to the cells. The concentrations of the two kinds of catechins were at levels that can be obtained through normal dietary intake!
Conclusion: If you are prone to bladder conditions, go to Mac Banana and buy some quality Eve’s Jasmine Green Tea . However, if you suffer from Gout, get yourself a Plunger and go buy some good quality coffee beans at Beaver Creek Coffee Estate. If you don’t have time for shopping, just sit back and listen to the noises in your middle-ear.

PeeCee is proud to announce the launch of the next exciting products in our range of
Luxury Personal Indulgence:

Nourishing Hand & Body Cream
This exciting new cream is a must for dry skin, it is a must for any skin! Pamper yourself with the moisturising effect of a ph-buffered aqueous cream as a base, enhanced with the essential oils of Lavender and Jasmine.
It contains the richness of Avocado Oil. Although it is classed as a vegetable oil, the avocado is really a fruit since it has a stone - but none-the-less; it yields a rich and extremely deep penetrating oil, rich in vitamins A, D and E, lecithin, as well as potassium - known as the youth mineral.
It furthermore contains proteins, lecithin, beta-carotene and more than twenty percent essential unsaturated fatty acids. The fatty acids contained are palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic.

Benefits of avocado oil to the skin
It is high in sterolins, which are reputed to reduce age spots, help heel sun damage and scars. It is the sterolins (also called plant steroids) in the oil that helps to soften the skin and imparts a superior moisturizing effect.
For this reason it is an ideal ingredient to include when formulating for people with dehydrated, sun or climate damaged skin, as it is an extremely good moisturizing and nourishing compound, assisting in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.
It was found that avocado oil significantly increases the amount of collagen in the skin - which normally is under attack as we grow older.
Avocado oil is easily absorbed into deep tissue, and with its wonderfully emollient properties, makes it ideal for mature skins. It also helps to relieve the dryness and itching of psoriasis and eczema.
Try this luxurious cream and enjoy freedom from itchy, winter skin.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Newsletter April 2007

‘n Verandering is so goed soos ‘n vakansie!
Na amper tien jaar het die nuusbrief nou uiteindelik verander. Die hele formaat is anders, en al het ek hoe lank geskop teen die kommersieële aanwending van die nuusbrief, het ons nou finaal besluit om op ‘n beperkte basis wel bemarking te gebruik om te help dra aan die koste van die publikasie.

Yes the new format newsletter will have on the last page, a few selected commercials, which will help to carry the cost of the production. The letter will also be four half pages which translates to double the size of the old format.

Hierdie advertensies sal altyd aan die leser die voordeel van ‘n besparing op ‘n aktuele produk bied sowel as die doel dien dat die firma(s) betrokke, sal bydra tot die koste van die brief.

That out of the way, it is time to get to the business of doing newsletters. While writing this, Sri Lanka is trying to outflank New Zeeland and get a decent score on a nice batting track. Only time will tell. I think the relevance of today’s match will only hit us after (I refuse to phrase it as “if”) we have won the Hopping Kangaroos tomorrow. By the time you read this we will know who has won the final! If the post office is any slower we might even know who won the Super 14 final!
We sure saw a couple of very good matches during this cricket world cup. It will also be remembered not only for the Woolmer-case but also for the three coaches (so far) that made their exit due to poor performance. The money game knows no mercy! “Win or cheers”. It was a case of going from hero to zero in one tournament for some of them.

Wat die rugby aan betref, mmmhhh. Weet nie so mooi nie. Dinge is half deurmekaar op die oomblik. Jy wen die top span net om die volgende week geklap te word deur ‘n baie swakker span. Vir so ‘n opwindende maand van sport resepteer ek eintlik geweldig min kalmeermiddels en anti-depressante. Dalk doen die vloeistof-apteek beter met sy Vintage! Solank iemand of iets net die pyn verdoof en die volk se senuwees rustig hou is ek dankbaar.

What’s in a name?
And so now it will be Durban and Cape Town’s turn to have name changes forced down their throats. Some of the street names in Cape Town have been in use for hundreds of years. Even the resident ghosts will now get lost. In Durban they want to honor people who actually killed loads of people during the struggle! I can imagine how it will feel to drive down xxxx street knowing that Mr xxxx killed your father. Talk about a one way street – out of there I suppose.

Terwyl ons by die naam kwessie stilstaan, net so vinnige kwinkslag:
Bykans elke dorp of stad en stat het mos nou al ‘n Mandelarylaan. Hulle reken as jy die Man uithaal is dit nog maar steeds net Delarylaan.
Aangesien ek nie meer my nuusbrief op die internet gaan publiseer nie, kan ek nou baie makliker in Afrikaans ook kommunikeer. Die nuusbrief op die internet word nou vervang met ‘n Weblog op ‘n nuwe webruimte. Sien later vir meer besonderhede.
Selfs jy, die leser, kan binnekort jou eie webruimte besit – deur my ruimte. GRATIS.
Lees voort. Dis die waarheid. En jy kan hom bedryf in suiwer Afrikaans. GRATIS.

Keeping you healthy

What is Syndrome X?
The term “Syndrome X” refers to a collection of metabolic abnormalities that put patients at greater risk of stroke and coronary artery disease. The condition is characterised by elevated levels of cholesterol as well as triglycerides, higher incidence of obesity and insulin resistance.
Insulin is the hormone excreted by the Pancreas in reaction to the elevated presence of carbohydrate (sugar) in the circulation following the intake of food. The purpose of the hormone is to facilitate the transport of sugars (in its elementary form as Glucose) from the blood, to where it is needed for the processes that will create energy and sustain life. These sites are the cells of the muscles, the brain, organs, etc. When a person becomes Insulin Resistant, it means that the body is not as receptive to the effect of Insulin and as a result, more and more Insulin is excreted in order to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. It becomes a vicious circle and ultimately Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus results.
It's estimated that about 8 million adults in the South Africa have Syndrome X, which is often overlooked by doctors. A non-pharmacologic treatment for these patients is sometimes needed, since certain drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure have occasionally been shown to actually worsen carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in Syndrome X patients, negating the beneficial effects of those drugs.
Working off weight helps
Overweight people with Syndrome X who exercised and lost weight had a 47 percent reduction in insulin overproduction, a condition called hyper-insulinaemia.
Patients who exercised but didn't lose weight had a 27 percent reduction.
The patients who achieved the greatest weight loss showed the most significant improvements in abnormal insulin responses.
In the last five years there has been an increased appreciation that hyper-insulinaemia is an independent risk factor for mortality, and that it can even be seen as a marker or mechanism underlying this increased risk.
Studies highlight the importance of lifestyle modifications such as exercise and weight loss, which have no adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and do not interact with any drugs.
Why wait? To have us check your BP and Total Cholesterol and Blood Sugar will cost about the same as a bottle of Vintage. No, not the Rubicon Sir, I mean only about R60! In fact, it is the same price as a medium sized sympathy card. Get the drift?

Die Psige van Gewig Beheer
Hoë bloeddruk, beroerte, hartsiektes en diabetes. Die meeste mense wat oorgewig is, is inderwaarheid terdeë bewus van hierdie gesondheidsrisiko's en -gevare wat met oorgewig gepaardgaan. Hulle weet ook presies wat die regte dinge is om te doen om gewig te verloor.
Gewigsverliesprogramme en diëte sou eenvoudige en suksesvolle oplossings gewees het indien oorgewig slegs 'n kwessie van te veel eet was. Maar hoekom sukkel so baie mense om gewig te verloor?
Sielkundige faktore speel 'n belangrike rolDaar is geweldig baie mense wat nie al die al die faktore wat tot oorgewig lei ondersoek nie. Almal weet dat ongesonde eetpatrone en 'n onaktiewe leefstyl beslis oorsake is, maar baie mense ignoreer die belangrike rol wat sielkundige faktore kan speel.
Baie mense eet te veel in 'n poging om spanning, stres of 'n emosie beter te hanteer. Ons kan byvoorbeeld probeer om stres te elimineer deur oormatig te eet. Ons etery help ons nie om stres doeltreffender te hanteer nie, maar dit bied diep gegronde vertroosting. Ongelukkig is dit 'n duur prys om te betaal. Dié vorm van stresverligting lei dikwels tot skuldgevoelens. Só ontwikkel dan 'n bose kringloop van spanning, eet, skuldgevoelens, meer spanning en nog meer eet.
Om gewig te verloor en die laer gewig permanent te handhaaf, is besonder moeilik omdat mense geprogrammeer is om vir oorlewing te eet. Eet verskaf kitsbevrediging, terwyl gewigsverlies 'n lang en stadige proses is.
Moenie uitstel nie. Ons is nie sielkundiges nie maar ons kan jou vet persentasie en jou Body Mass Index bepaal en sinvol oor ‘n gesonde dieet en paslike program gesels. Gesondheid is belangriker as skaamheid. Reg?

So what is the story with this free website?

If you are not into the cyber-stuff, then please skip this entire section and move on to the bottom of the last page where you will find some good and necessary merchandise at amazing prices. Please support this campaign. (Only on the hardcopy version. - ed)

But if you are by now ever so slightly intrigued and want to know more, let me elaborate some.
It is not always possible to offer people something for free, so this is truly exciting!
A lot of people would (secretly) love to have their own website. Somewhere where they can fiddle and publish, tweak and create, change and republish, and in general, be creative. Become a writer! Isn’t it true?
Up to now that was either too expensive, or you needed to be a nuclear scientist to understand or operate it.
Own and operate your own personalized website!Now we have the ability to own a website with amazing features and to operate it is so easy. Even I can do it.

What can you do with this site? Firstly, you can invite people to become members, and then you can start a forum on your favorite topic or sport or passion or hobby and keep an active discussion going with your members. Alternatively, use it as a medium to discuss matters with family – like email but without ever receiving the uninvited offers to enlarge certain body parts!

Secondly, start a blog (web log) or diary. This is where you post your thoughts and invoke conversation. Invite your members to become authors, let them publish their own stories on your blog, then invite comment from whoever else reads it and ultimately it becomes a whole community, sharing ideas and eventually it grows into an active piece of reference where everybody can gain and share information and advice.

Thirdly, create your own electronic photo album. Here, everybody can share their favorite moments with the group. Ideal for loved ones overseas or that long lost cousin twice removed living in the Outback. Share in his admiration for overweight retired Australian Spin Bowlers.
A picture says a thousand words remember?

As well as; own your own little shop on the internet!
“Wife’s been making those cute little pillows for years” and by now every family member and most neighbors have enough of them lying around? Your home is saturated with ‘em? Heish, take leetle peecture, post it to your Pillow Shop on your website, and if your website is active enough with your blog and your diary and your photo album all going like crazy, you might just discover that there is a huge market out there for those cute little things she’s b’n makin’!
People might want them and they will buy it from you. Quite possibly. There are, in true fact, people out there, selling a variety of goodies in enormous volumes; just by doing the right things on their websites. And I will show you. And you will be grateful. And you will thank me. And I will be happy.

Any more details and I will scare everybody away. Interested? Please contact me. I will explain. The system will be up and running within the month of May. This is a truly remarkable opportunity. And it is GRATIS! Free!

Your web address will be something like: www.johnbrown.peecee.net or www.pillows&things.peecee.net or www.flyfishing.peecee.net or www.golfrules.peecee.net etc.
Let your imagination take you places! Set it free.

Gratis Web ruimte

Soos ek vroeër reeds genoem het, jy kan selfs kies om jou web ruimte in Afrikaans te doen. Alhoewel die internet terme meestal in Engels is, kan jy verkies dat die medium vir kommunikasie Afrikaans is en bly.

Hierdie is ‘n semi affiliasie sisteem wat beteken daar is skakels op jou ruimte wat die leser neem na ‘n ander kommersieële web ruimte waar hy of sy dan items kan aankoop, totaal onverwant aan die tema van jou web ruimte. Die kersie op die koek is egter dat jy, deur niks te doen nie, affiliasie fooie (of kommissie) verdien van omtrent 16% op enige iets wat die koper aanskaf, direk vanaf die ander web ruimte. Jy weet nie eers van die transaksie nie. Niemand gaan ryk word uit so stelsel nie maar elke sent verdien sonder om iets te doen daarvoor is ‘n absolute bargain! EN jy kry jou web blad gratis as gevolg daarvan.

Die hele stelsel word deur jouself gemoniteer en beheer. Soos hierbo genoem; hoe besiger jou web ruimte, hoe meer besoeke is daar, hoe groter is die kans om iets te verkoop in jou eie aanlyn winkel of om affiliasie fooie te verdien deur ander ruimtes se verkope. Klink te goed om waar te wees?
Kom traai my! Ek wag.